Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sexy Smooth...Try NOT

So I dont know how this happens but everytime, Everytime, ( office quote) I shave I leave a ring of hair. kind of like this doll you see here. (see above) there defitnitely not that long. But dont even worry, I had an incher going.
It was for real nasty. AND I went to the bookstore at MCC like that in my shorts! It was so nasty! It was like furry socks! exaggeration.
So anyway your probably wondering.. A Town if you showered more often maybe they wouldnt get this long. Because you would probably shave more.
Thats probably true.
But why would you want to unless your going out in public?
My Future Husband will probably be disgusted with me.
Ill never let him see that side of me.
Have you ever had a heinous story like that?
Spill. I wanna hear.


Bethany said...

bahahah oh A-Town true story if you did shower all your problems would be resolved! haha

Holly said...

Hahaha! Nice picture..did you take a picture of one of sandys decorations haha.

Oh my word I feel like that all the time, like today I sweat like crazy at vball and what did I do when I came home? Not showered! But in my defense I have showered everyday for the past three days. That is called over showering. So Im pretty much set for the next week haha. Im kidding. Showering everyday makes your hair greasy anyway.

I LOVE the 'everytime' quote! Before I even read the next everytime, i thought about it in my head. Its just automatic like that.

Whitney said...

seriously dont worry. When you get married they dont care how hairy you are as long as you put out. Was that too much info? haha.