Friday, June 25, 2010

22 Reasons Why The Crew Loves C-Pain!!!!

It’s C-Pain’s birthday! She’s turning 22 so here are 22 reasons why we love her!!!

1. The fact that we spent 5 months straight together and she still is letting me come to Seattle to visit her- B-Dogg

2. She is one of the funniest people I know! - B-Dogg

3. The fact that Confessions of a Shopaholic has a striking resemblence to her life and I was able to witness it first hand - B-Dogg

4. I know she will always let me complain to her about anything whenever I need to - B-Dogg

5. She loves The LXD just as much as me- Dr.E

6. She actually got water poured on her and then laughed about it- Dr.E

7. She likes the dumb movies I like -Dr. E

8. She's hilarious- Dr.E

9. She will always be part of the best experience of my life at the Olive Garden -Foxy Mama

10. She can just laugh and it makes me start laughing - Foxy Mama

11. She always is so put together and looking fabulous - Foxy Mama

12. She was willing to die for me when I needed her too! - Foxy Mama

13. She always laughs at everything I say. Mostly haha - A-Town

14. I love her because she's cool when we don't shower and are gross - A-Town

15.She is willing to do whatever whenever -A-Town

16. She's totally understanding and we have good heart to hearts when we are all together - A-Town

17. She'll wear stuff that's super cute and say it reminded her of me when she bought it - H-Wood

18. She is always up for anything - H-Wood

19. She has the loudest, most awesome laugh - H-Wood

20. She comes to me for her tv internet advice - E-Son

21. She loves kitties like I do - E-Son

22. We both have had some hilarious bus experiences that we've shared - E-Son

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

20 Reasons Why The Crew Loves A-Town!!!!

It's A-Town's B-day!!!! She is turning 20 so here are 20 reasons why we love her!
1. She listens to hip hop jams with me – B-Dogg
2. She says hilarious and inappropriate things about celebrities – B-Dogg
3. She is always up for a late night chat outside my house – B-Dogg
4. She showed me that hilarious clip from Chelsea Lately – C-Pain
5. She buys DVDs so that her bookshelf will be full and look pretty – C-Pain
6. Because of BELLE BELLE!! – C-Pain
7. She’s pretty funny! – Dr. E
8. She always laughs at my jokes – Dr. E
9. She’s always willing to have a dance party with me! – Dr. E
10. She’s so outgoing, Whenever the crew needs to call/talk to someone they’re unfamiliar with she always does it – E-Son
11. She’s really raunchy, but in an awesome way. I never feel uncomfortable talking to her about anything – E-Son
12. Whenever I don’t want to run an errand or do something by myself, she’ll come along for the ride –E-Son
13. She’s good at keeping in touch and its really easy to talk on the phone with her – E-Son
14. She brushes her hair like Ariel – Foxy Mama
15. She makes me laugh – Foxy Mama
16. She tells it like it is – Foxy Mama
17. She’s always up for anything – H-Wood
18. She shares my love of Country – H-Wood
19. She makes anything 5 times more exciting just by being there – H-Wood
20. We’ve had loads and loads of fun times and memories together – H-Wood
Happy Birthday A-Town!!! We love you!!!! Have an amazing day!!!